16 gennaio 2024

Essere giustiziati per aver aperto un cancello

In queste ultime settimane si parla quasi esclusivamente, e giustamente, del genocidio che israele sta compiendo a Gaza, ma lo stato ebraico compie quotidianamente crimini di guerra anche in Cisgiordania
E non è più tollerabile, non può più essere consentito, che un palestinese inerme ed innocente debba essere giustiziato dai tagliagole dell'idf soltanto per aver aperto un cancello. Per tornare a casa propria, sulla propria terra. Come è successo lo scorso 28 dicembre a Sayel Abu Nada, riposi in pace.
Tra il 7 ottobre 2023 e il 15 gennaio di quest'anno, lo stato ebraico ha ucciso in Cisgiordania, inclusa Gerusalemme est, ben 344 palestinesi, tra i quali 88 bambini. Nel silenzio dei media...

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7 giugno 2019

Israel Gave This Gaza Family a Five-minute Warning. Then It Bombed Its Home

Nell'ultimo round di bombardamenti a Gaza, lo scorso maggio, lo stato-canaglia israeliano ha completamente distrutto circa 100 edifici, lasciando senza un tetto 327 palestinesi, tra i quali 65 bambini di età inferiore ai 5 anni. Hamis Ziada era il proprietario di uno degli appartamenti distrutti, a cui israele ha lasciato solo cinque minuti di tempo per scappare prima che iniziasse il bombardamento. La sua unica colpa, e quella degli altri abitanti del palazzo, è stata quella di possedere un'abitazione nello stesso edificio in cui vi era la sede di un ufficio della Jihad islamica. E poi ci si chiede perchè, nel mondo, israele attiri così poche simpatie...
Israel Gave This Gaza Family a Five-minute Warning. Then It Bombed Its Home
'How can the Israelis remain silent? In Gaza there are people with no arms or legs, there’s not a house without someone dead,' says Hamis Ziada, who lost everything in an Israeli air force attack
By Gideon Levy Jun 06, 2019
At 4:40 P.M. on Sunday, May 5, the ringing of a cell phone woke Hamis Ziada from his nap. It was an unidentified number. A voice on the other end said, “Am I speaking with Hamis Ziada? You’re talking to the Israeli Shin Bet. There’s a school opposite your house. Are there people in it at this time of the day?” Ziada replied that there was no one in the school in the late afternoon on that particular day, the first day of the Ramadan fast, and in any case school had been canceled because of the Israeli bombing raids. The security service agent continued, “Are you sure there are no women and children in the school? Are you positive there’s no one?” And then, “I’m giving you five minutes to tell your family and everyone in the residence you live in to go outside. We have to blow up the building in another five minutes.”
Dumbstruck, Ziada tried to protest. He explained to the mysterious caller that it was impossible to evacuate a seven-story building – where 15 families, including some with children and elderly people, lived – within five minutes. The Shin Bet man replied: “That’s of no interest to me. I already told you: You have five minutes.”
Thus began the most nightmarish five minutes in the life of Hamis Ziada, 54. After they ended, his home was destroyed, his world fell apart, and his life was ruined. In the month since then, he has lived in a lean-to, together with his two wives and 12 children, the youngest of whom is 4.
The Israel Air Force attack left a heap of rubble; the apartment building imploded in seconds, raising a thick dark cloud of dust. It was the last day of the most recent round of fighting in the Gaza Strip and in the Israeli communities around it. As usual, the Israel Defense Forces wanted to end it with the resounding crescendo of the toppling of a multistory residence.
Ziada wasn’t able to save a thing – neither his belongings nor his apartment, which he was only able to purchase only after working for years as an electrician in the garage of the Egged bus company in Holon. Nothing survived, not so much as a shirt.
Ziada, who now does annual car inspections for the Palestinian Authority, dredges up the Hebrew he learned in Holon years ago. He used to read bus repair manuals in Hebrew, he says. He worked for Egged from 1987 until 1993 – those were good times, he says.
His second wife, Donya Daher, 42, joined the extended Skype conversation I had with Ziada last week. His first wife, Fat’hiya, who’s 45 and a relative of senior Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, also lives with him along with their children. “Everyone lives in the building that the planes finished off,” he tells me.
Their apartment, which Ziada bought 10 years ago, was in a building in Gaza’s Tel al-Halwa neighborhood. He finished paying off the mortgage two years ago. During the past three years he’s earned only 1,000 shekels (about $280) a month, because the salaries of PA employees in the Strip have been cut in half. As the son of refugees who had to leave Jaffa in 1948, he receives food aid from UNRWA, the United Nations refugee agency.
Ziada’s first-floor apartment had five rooms. The office of Islamic Jihad’s welfare agency was on the floor above it – which is why the air force demolished the entire building. Every morning between 9 A.M. and noon, he says, needy families would come to the office to receive assistance. For the rest of the day the office was empty; no other activity took place there. There was no one there when the building was bombed, either. All the other apartments in the building were private residences.
The first time Ziada’s building was damaged was five years ago, in Operation Protective Edge, when a drone fired a warning missile at it; as the occupants rushed out, an Israeli helicopter sprayed it with machine-gun fire. Two or three days later, the occupants returned home. It took until a year ago to finish repairing the damage. But on May 5 of this year, their luck ran out. “Until about 4:30 that afternoon everything was fine,” says Ziada. “And then it was all over.”
In the morning he had gone shopping with Daher. When they returned at 3:30 P.M., he went to sleep. After the Shin Bet called to warn about the impending strike, Ziada shouted to his wives and children to go downstairs fast. His son Amar, 24, rushed to the top floor of the building, making his way down after knocking on the door of every apartment and shouting to everyone to vacate the premises immediately.
Donya Daher wrings her hands as her husband continues to describe the horrors of the evacuation.
Ziada: “Everyone in my home started to shout and cry, and in the middle of it all I was on the stairs yelling at everyone to leave, that in another five minutes they’re going to bomb the building. One woman, who’s 30, became stiff as a board and couldn’t budge, out of fear. My son put her on his back and carried her all the way downstairs. Women who need to cover their heads before leaving the house went outside without a head covering. We were barefoot; none of us managed to find our shoes.
“Old people and children ran around and cried – that’s what happened in the five minutes we were given by the Israeli authorities. There was hysteria. We’re still in hysteria. During those five minutes, we became hysterical. Up until this very moment, a month later, all the people who were in the building are living with the fear of what happened to us during those five minutes. Do you know what it’s like to evacuate a multistory building in five minutes?
“Finally, I went downstairs, too,” Ziada continues. “We had Amar’s wedding a month before the bombing, so I took with me the new suit I had bought. Other than that, I didn’t manage to take anything. Neither documents nor money. Nothing. The children didn’t take anything, either. Do you know what they did to us in those five minutes? Created madness in the brain. Up until this moment, as I’m speaking with you, I’m afraid.
“I worked in Israel for many years to buy that home. On the days of the work strikes during the first intifada, I walked to the Erez checkpoint so I wouldn’t lose a day of work. I left home at 3 A.M. and got back at 6 in the evening. I burned up years of my life in Israel so I could buy that apartment. And now I have lost not only my home, I’ve lost my life. I’ve lost my daughters’ lives. How will I buy another house at my age? I’m naked.
“The pants and shirt I’m wearing I got from other people. Someone gave me underwear. Someone gave me shoes. I’m like nothing. And what they did to my mind, to the minds of my wives, my children. The children wake up in the middle of the night and say, ‘We want to go back home. Back to our books.’ And I say, ‘Where do you think we will go? We have no home.’
“Your government and your army – how can they do something like that? Don’t they know we are civilians? Don’t they know? I’m not just talking about myself. There are people who didn’t finish paying off their mortgage. If we’d been bombed and had stayed inside the building, it would have been easier for us than those five minutes. It would be more convenient if we had died.”
His voice breaks. The Skype connection also breaks off for a few minutes. Our conversation was made possible thanks to the devoted work of Gaza Strip field researchers Olfat al-Kurd and Khaled al-Azayzeh, from the Israel human rights organization B’Tselem. They had heard about the story and arranged for us to speak, since we Israeli journalists are not allowed into the Strip.
Once the building’s residents were on the street, they all ran as far and as fast as they could from the building. The Shin Bet agent called again, to ascertain that the building was empty. The people stood down the street, appalled, and watched as their homes were bombed by pilots of the “moral” Israeli air force. Neighbors gathered with them. “We watched as our house was bombed. As it came down. We all waited to see how the planes fired missiles at the building. How it came down.”
A drone fired three or four warning missiles at the roof – a tactic called “roof knocking” – and then, at 5 P.M. precisely, on the fifth day of the fifth month, the warplane fired the missile that caused the building to collapse instantly. The noise was earsplitting. Clouds of smoke and dust columned into the air and lingered there for a long time. The former occupants scattered in every direction, unable to bear the scene of destruction, spending their first homeless night with neighbors and relatives. The Ziada family spent the night in a shack near the home of relatives. People donated mattresses, clothing, blankets.
“It was very, very hard for us,” Ziada explains. “We slept like dogs, like animals. I couldn’t fall asleep: The next day was [still] Ramadan, I had to fast and I needed to live with this day. We drank tea. We drank water. Neighbors brought us halvah and we got through the night.” They stayed in the lean-to for a month. “We had nowhere to go. We were like beggars. We begged people to help us. One person brought us pita, another one brought rice.”
It was only this week that the family succeeded in renting a three-room apartment, for $200 a month. The Palestinian Employment Ministry will help to pay the rent for six months. What happens after that? Ziada has no idea. No one has spoken to him, neither from the PA or from Hamas: “They didn’t even come to offer their condolences. That makes me angry. At least let them say a few nice words. No one came to us.”
The morning after, occupants of the building came back to see the devastation. People tried to salvage a blanket or a shirt, to poke through the rubble to find a document or a certificate, maybe a photograph, amid the piles of stones and mounds of dirt and dust. They found only shreds of blankets and tatters of clothing. Nothing was left of the furniture or the utensils. The destruction was total.
The best air force in the world.
The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit this week issued the following statement to Haaretz: “The building in question is one that had been under the control of Hamas since it was erected in 2010, and was used for the digging of an important network of tunnels beneath it. Hamas used the building for military purposes in clear exploitation of the local population living within and around it as a means for hiding and protecting the terror infrastructure under its authority.
“It must be stressed that before the attack, precautionary evacuation measures were taken in the area in order to prevent harm to uninvolved individuals as much as possible. (This was done several hours before the attack and not five minutes beforehand, as is claimed in the article.)
“The IDF plans its attacks in a way that will ensure operational achievements while minimizing harm to citizens and their property.”
According to UN data, about 100 buildings, containing a total of 33 residential units, were completely destroyed by Israeli bombing in the recent round in Gaza. Fifty-two families, 327 individuals, including 65 infants and toddlers under the age of 5, were left homeless. Hundreds of other apartments and buildings sustained damage.
The junk dealers started to show up at the site with their mule-drawn carts to try and pull out metals and other construction materials from the wreckage. This week, the rubble was still there, where the apartment building stood until a month ago.
What does he miss most? “The photos,” says Ziada. “The photos of my father, of my mother, of my wife and of the children. Everything that reminds me of the days that are gone. My heart is burned. Life for us is burned. They burned everything that was beautiful in our life. Like paper they burned it.
“How can the Israeli people be silent about what happened? We are the closest peoples to one another. We worked together, ate together, slept together, lived together. You used to come to our weddings. How can the Israeli people be silent when it sees what is happening to us? You used all the missiles in the world against us, including some that are banned. Where is the Israeli people when it sees its government doing this? In Gaza there are people with no arms, no legs; there isn’t a home without someone dead. How can you, a democracy, behave like that?
“I only hope this gets to the government, that this article will reach Netanyahu and the Israeli people. We’ve been left with nothing. People are wandering around here with diseases and can’t leave; in some cases their children have died. Are you pleased about that? Are you pleased at what you are doing to us? We are not animals. We are human beings, just like you are human beings. Don’t you want us to live? Do you want us to die? You’re toppling buildings on our heads? Leave us alone to live. The same way you live – we want to live.
“We are all cripples in Gaza. You close the sky to us, close the sea to us, close the land. What do you want from us? You are making us hate all Israelis,” Ziada says. “We don’t want that. Open Gaza and let us live, and maybe we’ll forget what you did to us.”
Gideon Levy

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6 giugno 2019

Thanks McDonald’s for Reminding Israel There Is a Green Line, and Even a Red Line

By refusing to open branches in the settlements, McDonald’s took a step very few companies are willing to take, but that all companies should have taken long ago
Gideon Levy - 6.6.2019

McDonald’s presents: a model hamburger. It doesn’t appear on the menu and the company obscures its ingredients, but it’s clearly the flagship item – a boycott of the settlements. There are no Big Macs in Ariel and there will be no McRoyales in Efrat.
The right is now demanding that this traitorous company be barred from opening a branch at Ben-Gurion Airport. A group called the Disabled Veterans’ Forum for Israel’s Security posted warning signs this week at the entrance to the company’s restaurants in Tel Aviv, modeled after the warning signs that tell Israelis not to enter the Palestinian Authority. It terms the McDonald’s boycott of the settlements “a disgraceful decision” and is urging a boycott of the company.
That’s what happens to a hamburger that seeks to raise its head and do more than just sell an extra-large portion, that chooses to heed its conscience and not just be a hamburger.
McDonald’s is a senior partner in the crimes of the meat industry and the holocaust of animals. It’s a symbol of globalization and capitalism. Its products are harmful to people’s health and the environment, and it doesn’t let its workers unionize.
Nevertheless, we must now applaud its policy, which dates back to 2013, when its Israeli franchisee, Omri Padan, opposed opening a branch in Ariel. People of morality must therefore contemptuously cross through the warning signs that the right has posted at the chain’s branches and demonstratively buy a green salad with corn sticks as an act of support for the company’s courage and determination. It must not suffer because it took a step very few companies are willing to take, but that all companies should have taken long ago.
The company’s official explanation may seem evasive, but it goes to the heart of the matter: “Alonyal [the franchisee] never had a license to open branches in the West Bank.” Boom. There is a Green Line. There’s even a red line.
It’s true this separation is artificial, and it’s been dead for a long time already. It’s ridiculous to boycott the settlement of Itamar but not Tel Aviv, which funds it, guards it and legalizes its crimes.
Nevertheless, McDonald’s has issued a resounding statement: The West Bank and Gaza aren’t here. It has said yes to Israel, no to the occupation, which counts for more than 1,000 protest signs at a demonstration. The franchisee never had a license in a piece of land to which Israel also never had a license.
Thomas Friedman once wrote that there will never be a war between two countries which both have McDonald’s branches – a thesis that was destroyed by the Second Lebanon War of 2006. But this company is now breaking boundaries, and above all setting boundaries.
Hamburger joints aren’t moral leaders. McDonald’s merely said what should have been self-evident to every commercial company: The franchisee for Israel isn’t necessarily the franchisee for the colonies of the occupation. Many Israeli and international companies ought to follow in its footsteps. Just as every law-abiding company has an obligation not to traffic in stolen property, so too it must not operate on stolen land.
Decent companies don’t operate in crime-ridden areas. They don’t invest, they don’t buy, they don’t rent and they don’t sell. It’s dangerous there, and illegal.
And there’s no other way to define the occupied territories and the settlements built there in violation of international law except as crime zones. Can a law-abiding company set up a legitimate business in Ofra, a settlement in which more than half the houses are built on privately owned land that was stolen by force from its legal owners? This bears no connection to ideology, or even morality, but only to operating within the law.
Sad experience shows that in the end, the Jewish and Israeli lobbies will extort a victory. They forced Airbnb to capitulate, and they may also defeat McDonald’s.
But until the McDonald’s Drive-Thru opens in Ma’aleh Mikhmash – and we hope it never will – we can suggest that the settlers eat at McDonald’s inside Israel, or set up an alternative fast-food chain: McDavid’s. In the 1980s, when McDonald’s hadn’t yet come to Israel, a chain by that name operated here. It got sued by the American company over the misleading similarity of its name. The food tasted horrible, and the chain closed, leaving ruin behind it, and only one branch.
Gideon Levy



3 giugno 2019

Democracy for Every Israeli and Palestinian. It’s Not Hard

Israel is stuck in neutral. Everything is at a standstill. So it’s time to fantasize, to dream about a general election, but a different kind, a dream about democracy. It won’t happen soon, but one day it will. Israel will have to become a democracy because it doesn’t have the right to exist otherwise.
Without real elections, it’s not a democracy. What it imagines as democratic is an electoral trick. A fundamental rule in democracies is the universal right to vote. One person, one vote. Equality. There’s no democracy without that. There’s no such thing as democracy in installments for one ethnic group or one geographic area.
If the United States decided to deprive the southern states of the right to vote, it would cease being democratic. If Germany did the same against the country’s Jews, it would again be declared a threat to humanity.
Elections in Israel aren’t general elections and so they’re not democratic. The country can continue to masquerade as the only democracy in the Middle East. A new law letting the Knesset override Supreme Court decisions could represent the final declaration of the end of Israeli democracy. The end of the masquerade.
If adjoining towns are distinguished by their right to vote in elections that determine the fate of both, that’s not democracy. If the West Bank settlement of Itamar goes to the polls, but not the West Bank Palestinian city of Nablus, that’s not democracy. If the Jews of the West Bank town of Hebron vote in elections but the Palestinian residents of Hebron don’t, that’s apartheid. It’s that simple and that’s how things are.
As long as Israel uses the cover that the situation in the West Bank is temporary, it’s tolerable. But the ruse is up. No significant political camp in Israel will ever intend to end the occupation, whether on the Zionist right, left or center. Nobody.
As a result, Israel is defining itself as undemocratic. And when the world understands that, it will come at a price. And when Israel understands it, the country will ask itself if it’s willing to pay that price.
Only one path remains: democracy for everyone, for everyone living under Israeli rule. It’s astounding that this even needs to be stated. And even more astounding is that it’s considered subversive. The redress will come in a general election. Just imagine.
Imagine an election for a constituent assembly for the second time in the country’s history. Imagine starting over, that the September 17 election were declared Israel’s last imitation election. It would be followed by a real election with the participation of everyone living in the country, whose fates are determined by government ministries and the army in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
An election commission representing both peoples would set the election rules and time frame. Fatah and Kahol Lavan, Hamas and Likud, Islamic Jihad and United Torah Judaism, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Habayit Hayehudi. Any slate could run as long as it disarmed its military wing. And all the country’s residents would be eligible to vote and run for office.
The constituent assembly would draft a constitution guaranteeing equality and providing a basis for forming the government. The best people would win. Fanatics would be isolated and weakened. The first law passed by the new country would be an immigration law that would guarantee equality to Jews and Palestinians.
And before raising the prospect of a bloodbath, it should be said that resistance to this would be much more intense in the Jewish camp than among the Palestinians. But Israelis who have been frightened and brainwashed will be astounded to witness how the Palestinians conduct themselves when they’re finally treated as equals and are free for the first time in their history.
The country’s president would be Palestinian and the prime minister Jewish, or vice versa. The defense minister would be from the Deheisheh refugee camp and the foreign minister from West Jerusalem, or vice versa. West Bank settlements would remain in place and the country’s borders would be recognized around the world. Not a single country would oppose the just state arising from the bloody past, and it would be awash in financial assistance, from Washington to Riyadh.
That dream from one clear night will come true at some point because there is no genuine alternative. And a suggested date to begin? January 25, 2020, exactly 71 years after the first election to a constituent assembly. Oops, that comes out on a Saturday. That’s a problem.

Gideon Levy


8 novembre 2017

I ladri di bambini

Gli israeliani derubano il popolo palestinese della terra, dell'acqua, delle risorse naturali. E rubano anche i loro bambini, sottraendoli alle famiglie, gettandoli in galera dopo interrogatori svolti senza alcuna assistenza legale e spesso senza la presenza dei genitori o di un parente, talvolta persino torturandoli. E, così facendo, rubano ai ragazzi palestinesi quel periodo dell'adolescenza che dovrebbe essere felice e spensierato, catapultandoli brutalmente in un mondo fatto di violenza e di odio.

Il Comitato per i Detenuti e i Prigionieri Liberati ha annunciato ieri che le forze di occupazione israeliane, dall'inizio del 2017, hanno arrestato 483 minori palestinesi.

Quds Press ha riferito che secondo i gruppi palestinesi per i diritti umani un certo numero di questi minori sono stati rinchiusi nella prigione militare di Ofer in regime di detenzione amministrativa.

L'avvocato Louai Al-Mansi ha dichiarato: "ad ottobre sono stati arrestati 40 minori palestinesi"; otto di loro sono stati torturati.

Al-Mansi ha riferito che un bambino è stato arrestato dopo che le forze di occupazione israeliane gli avevano sparato, ferendolo.

L'età dei minori arrestati varia da 13 a 17 anni, ha spiegato. 

In relazione agli arresti, sono state riscosse multe per un totale di 78.000 shekel (pari a 21.430 dollari).

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8 luglio 2016

Il massacro del "Fun Time Beach Cafè"

L'operazione "Protective Edge", un vero e proprio massacro scatenato dall'esercito israeliano nella Striscia di Gaza dall'8 luglio al 26 agosto del 2014, costò la vita a 2.220 palestinesi, di cui 1.492 civili (e, tra essi, 547 bambini), e provocò il ferimento di 11.100 persone, tra le quali 3.374 bambini. Il 68% dei minori palestinesi uccisi aveva 12 anni o meno. 

Il 9 luglio, ad un giorno dall'inizio dei bombardamenti, un gruppo di amici si era appena riunito in un locale di Khan Younis, nei pressi del litorale, per guardare in televisione la semifinale dei mondiali tra Olanda e Argentina, quando all'improvviso cominciarono a cadere le bombe israeliane. Il risultato furono 9 morti e 3 feriti gravi. Ecco i nomi dei palestinesi uccisi: Ahmed Astal (18 anni), Suleiman Astal (16), Musa (16), un cugino degli Astal, Mohammed Ganan (24), Ibrahim Ganan (25), Hmadi Sawalli (20), Ibrahim Sawalli (28), Salim Sawalli (23), il cui corpo non fu più ritrovato, Mohammed Fawana (18).

Qualche ora prima, a poche miglia di distanza, un missile israeliano colpiva la casa di Salah Nawasrah (23 anni), uccidendo lui, la moglie Aisha (incinta di 4 mesi) e due nipoti con cui stavano giocando in quel momento, Nidal (4 anni) e Mohammed (2).

Questo breve documentario racconta la storia di questi poveri ragazzi, 9 giovani che si erano riuniti per guardare una partita di calcio e che non sono più tornati a casa, massacrati dall'esercito più "morale" al mondo.

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16 maggio 2016

HP - La tecnologia dell'oppressione israeliana #IoNonComproHP

Hewlett Packard (HP) è un gigante statunitense della tecnologia dell’informazione, largamente presente sul mercato italiano con stampanti, computer portatili, tablet, accessori e sistemi informatici complessi. Ma non tutti sanno che HP è anche complice della brutale occupazione israeliana della Palestina, della discriminazione dei palestinesi attraverso l’apartheid e di violazioni dei diritti umani e del diritto internazionale da parte di Israele. Con contratti per centinaia di milioni di euro, HP trae profitto e collabora con l'occupazione israeliana attraverso la fornitura e manutenzione di:
- Tecnologie per l'infrastruttura informatica delle Forze armate israeliane che assediano e bombardano Gaza uccidendo la popolazione indiscriminatamente.
- Il sistema BASEL, un sistema d'identificazione biometrica con riconoscimento palmare e facciale, installato nei checkpoint per impedire la libera circolazione dei palestinesi e per controllarne gli accessi in Israele e a Gaza. 
- Un database che registra tutta la popolazione israeliana, ivi inclusa quella palestinese, stratificandola per etnia e nazionalità, e quindi facilitando la discriminazione razziale nei confronti dei non-ebrei e il controllo della popolazione nei Territori Occupati attraverso il sistema dei permessi e delle carte d’identità che usano dati biometrici.
- Servizi e attrezzature alle carceri israeliane dove sono detenuti, in violazione del diritto internazionale, i prigionieri politici palestinesi, tra cui minori e bambini, in molti casi senza processo, sottoposti a trattamenti crudeli, inumani e degradanti. 
HP opera inoltre nelle colonie illegali della Cisgiordania attraverso propri centri di sviluppo e in partenariato con aziende di servizi e tecnologie che vi risiedono, contribuendo all'industria delle colonie, uno degli ostacoli maggiori per la cessazione dell’occupazione e per lo sviluppo della Cisgiordania.
Non essere complice, firma la dichiarazione d’impegno a non acquistare prodotti HP!
Fino a quando HP non porrà fine alla sua complicità con l'occupazione israeliana e all’oppressione dei palestinesi, mi impegno a non comprare prodotti Hewlett Packard (quali stampanti, computer, inchiostro e accessori) e a non avvalermi dei suoi servizi informatici, perché non voglio essere complice della violazione dei diritti dei palestinesi.
Per maggiori informazioni: http://bdsitalia.org/hp


4 gennaio 2016

La terza generazione, ancora sotto occupazione

A third generation has been born into the occupation by now. A third generation of children who know only the reality of daily human rights violations. It’s hard to find hope when the occupation infiltrates every aspect of your life; it’s hard to grow up when you don’t feel safe even in your own home, with soldiers waking you in the dead of night; it’s hard to feel free when soldiers and police officers detain you on your way to school; it’s hard to breathe when you live, whether as child or adult, with your most basic rights as a person denied – the right to freedom and to dignity.While Israeli authorities and their various emissaries are doing everything in their power to silence dissent over the occupation’s chokehold on Palestinians, we are here to ensure that you know what is being done in the occupied territories and to work towards a better reality.Join us. Share this video and support B’Tselem:https://www.btselem.org/donate*All the footage was filmed by our Camera Project volunteers in 2015.
Posted by ‎B'Tselem בצלם‎ on Giovedì 31 dicembre 2015

Una terza generazione di palestinesi è nata sotto occupazione, una generazione che conosce soltanto una realtà fatta di quotidiane violazioni dei diritti umani.
E' difficile nutrire speranza se l'occupazione devasta ogni aspetto della tua vita, è difficile crescere se non ti senti al sicuro neppure al riparo della tua casa, dove i soldati israeliani possono venire a interrogarti nel cuore della notte.
E' difficile sentirsi liberi se i soldati possono rapirti mentre vai a scuola, è difficile persino respirare quando sei costretto a vivere privato dei tuoi diritti più basilari, il diritto alla libertà e alla dignità. E, aggiungo io, è difficile non odiare chi ti fa tutto questo, è difficile non desiderarne la morte.
Stiamo giustificando la violenza e l'uccisione di innocenti? Certo che no, stiamo semplicemente constatando una semplice ed evidente realtà: alla radice di tutto il sangue che bagna il vicino oriente, sia esso di palestinesi o di israeliani, vi è l'occupazione e il regime di apartheid criminale che la sorregge.
E chiunque fa' si che si perpetui l'occupazione dei territori palestinesi ha le mani macchiate di questo sangue. E chi fa finta di niente e rivendica con orgoglio la propria amicizia per lo stato criminale occupante ha anch'egli qualche schizzo di sangue sulla cravatta...

Etichette: , , , ,


18 settembre 2014

Migliaia di palestinesi in fuga da Gaza verso l'Europa, rischiando la vita

Ai quasi 2.200 palestinesi massacrati nel corso dell’operazione “protective edge” scatenata da Israele contro la Striscia di Gaza (il 75% dei quali civili inermi) si aggiungono ora le vittime “collaterali” dei naufragi dei barconi con i quali i residenti di Gaza cercano di raggiungere l’Italia e da lì, in molti casi, gli altri paesi europei.

Centinaia di palestinesi, infatti, probabilmente hanno perso la vita nell’affondamento di due imbarcazioni di trafficanti al largo delle coste egiziane e maltesi, avvenuto negli ultimi giorni. Ma neanche questa tragica notizia fermerà questo fenomeno, destinato a incrementarsi a causa del livello di distruzione e della disperazione che regna nella Striscia di Gaza, dove ormai il 90% degli abitanti vive al di sotto della linea di povertà e il 95% dell’acqua non è potabile.

E come si può fermare questa gente, che sogna soltanto un futuro migliore per sé e i propri figli?

Ed è incredibile come si possano tollerare gli abusi e i crimini inauditi commessi da Israele ai danni dei palestinesi della Striscia, l’unico luogo di conflitto al mondo in cui ai civili viene persino impedito di fuggire dai luoghi dei combattimenti.

Thousands of Gazans fleeing to Europe via tunnels, traffickers and boats   

“E’ meglio morire in mare che morire di disperazione e frustrazione a Gaza”, afferma un residente della Striscia.
di Jack Khoury – 17.9.2014

Migliaia di palestinesi hanno lasciato la Striscia di Gaza verso l’Europa utilizzando tunnel, trafficanti e barche, come dimostrano le testimonianze ottenute da Haaretz.

Gli abitanti di Gaza hanno iniziato a fuggire dalla Striscia fin dall’inizio dell’operazione Protective Edge, ma la loro fuga difficilmente è stata seguita dai media poiché sono andati via clandestinamente, con l’aiuto remunerato dei contrabbandieri.

L’affondamento di due navi con a bordo palestinesi di Gaza  - una al largo delle coste di Malta la scorsa settimana e l’altra al largo della coste egiziane – e l’annegamento di centinaia di passeggeri hanno focalizzato l’attenzione su questo trend.

L’ambasciata palestinese in Grecia ha riferito ieri che la nave affondata al largo delle coste di Malta trasportava più di 450 passeggeri, la maggior parte dei quali palestinesi provenienti dalla Striscia di Gaza, e che la nave era stata speronata intenzionalmente da un’altra imbarcazione guidata da trafficanti rivali.

L’organizzazione per i diritti umani con sede a Gaza Adamir ha raccolto i nomi di più di 400 persone che mancano all’appello. “Nessuno sa dove siano; tutta la Striscia di Gaza ne parla. E’ una storia così dolorosa, come se non fosse abbastanza ciò che è avvenuto durante l’ultimo conflitto adesso arriva un altro colpo,” ha detto il direttore di Adamir Halil Abu Shamala, osservando che la maggior parte dei passeggeri erano giovani, ma che a bordo c’erano anche intere famiglie.

Almeno 15 palestinesi sono annegati sabato nell’affondamento di un’altra nave al largo delle coste egiziane, nei pressi di Alessandria.

Abu Ahmed, che ha perso il figlio su quella nave, spiega come funziona il sistema. “Ci sono alcune persone che hanno lasciato la Striscia di Gaza attraverso il valico di Rafah, principalmente casi umanitari. Ma la maggior parte delle persone passano attraverso i tunnel e raggiungono il lato egiziano di Rafah e da lì continuano” ha affermato.

Un leader di spicco dei contrabbandieri di nome Abu Hamada Asuri sovrintende ad un network che porta la gente fuori dalla Striscia di Gaza via mare verso l’Europa. Egli vive in Egitto ma ha dei rappresentanti nella Striscia, alcuni dei quali sono figure ben conosciute.

Uno di questi, che ha chiesto che il suo nome non sia utilizzato, ha detto ad Haaretz: “Questo viaggio costa tra i 3.500 e i 4.000 dollari a persona. Chi vuole andare prende accordi in anticipo per arrivare all’entrata di un tunnel dal lato palestinese di Rafah. Si tratta di un tunnel relativamente piccolo; la maggior parte di quelli più grandi sono stati bloccati dagli egiziani. Le persone strisciano per decine di metri e alla fine del tunnel, dal lato egiziano di Rafah, un minibus o un altro veicolo li aspetta e li conduce a Port Said”.

L’uomo ha detto che una volta che arrivano a Port Said o in un’altra località, essi aspettano in un appartamento o in un altro edificio che è stato preparato in anticipo per loro. Ha aggiunto che i funzionari della sicurezza egiziani vengono corrotti per guardare da un’altra parte e timbrare i passaporti con i bolli contraffatti.

Haaretz ha ascoltato testimonianze secondo cui i rifugiati aspettano finché non ricevono il messaggio dai contrabbandieri di procedere fino ad Alessandria, dove salgono a bordo di piccole imbarcazioni, talvolta decine per barca. Una volta lasciate le acque territoriali egiziane, si spostano su un’altra barca che in molti casi fa’ rotta verso l’Italia. Il viaggio dura di solito circa una settimana.

Un rifugiato che è riuscito a raggiungere le coste italiane ha raccontato ad Haaretz che quando la barca si avvicina alla riva invia una chiamata di soccorso e la Marina italiana e le navi della Croce Rossa li raccolgono. In altri casi, la barca si avvicina alla riva e le persone saltano in acqua con i giubbotti salvagente, e vengono tratti in salvo dalla Guardia Costiera o dalla Croce Rossa.

La maggior parte dei rifugiati dichiarano di essere siriani o palestinesi giunti dalla Siria in cerca di un rifugio sicuro dalla guerra in corso in quel paese. I rifugiati vengono trasferiti in strutture speciali dove attendono qualche giorno. Essi affermano che il lungo braccio dei contrabbandieri arriva proprio in quelle strutture; rappresentanti dei contrabbandieri firmano i documenti per il loro rilascio dalle strutture per poi proseguire verso le loro destinazioni. Alcuni vogliono lasciare l’Italia per altri paesi in cui hanno dei parenti.

Un residente di Gaza, che aveva programmato di lasciare la Striscia nei prossimi giorni, ha detto ad Haaretz di avere cambiato idea dopo aver sentito parlare degli annegamenti. La gente viene a sapere di come lasciare Gaza tramite il passaparola, ha affermato. “Alcuni sono venuti e hanno raccontato della bella vita e delle condizioni normali e naturalmente … ovunque in Europa è meglio che qui. Se si riesce a superare tutto il viaggio sani e salvi dipende da che fortuna hai.”

Il residente di Gaza ha affermato che una superstite della nave affondata al largo della costa di Alessandria ha detto che i contrabbandieri egiziani avevano speronato la nave e che avevano visto che le persone stavano annegando e non hanno offerto alcun aiuto. “Ma io penso che nemmeno un così terribile incidente arresterà il fenomeno perchè la gente è totalmente disperata e vuole partire. Dicono in maniera chiara che è meglio morire in mare che morire di disperazione e frustrazione a Gaza,” ha raccontato il residente.

L’Autorità palestinese ieri (martedì, n.d.t.) ha avvertito i palestinesi di diffidare dei contrabbandieri. Ma il governo non può agire contro coloro che fuggono perché le sue forze di sicurezza non hanno il controllo delle rotte del contrabbando, che sono nelle mani di personaggi influenti vicini al governo di Hamas nella Striscia di Gaza.    

Etichette: , , , ,


26 luglio 2014

Lista dei Palestinesi uccisi dall’8 al 26 luglio 2014

Quella che segue è la lista dei nomi confermati dei Palestinesi massacrati dallo stato-canaglia israeliano nell'attacco in corso contro la Striscia di Gaza. Molti dei morti sono bambini, altri anziani o donne, qualcuno è ridotto così...

Secondo l'ultimo bollettino dell'OCHA - aggiornato alle 15:00 del 25 luglio - i morti erano 857, di cui almeno 649 civili inermi (il 75,73% del totale!), tra essi 101 donne e 194 bambini.

I "terroristi" di Hamas hanno ucciso 37 soldati e due civili (il 5,13% del totale degli uccisi). Ogni altro commento mi sembra del tutto superfluo.

Lista dei Palestinesi uccisi dall’8 al 26 luglio 2014
di Saed Bannoura - IMEMC News 

Questa lista viene aggiornata di continuo a causa dell’attacco israeliano a Gaza in corso a partire dall’8 luglio. I sotto elencati 787 nomi sono stati confermati, almeno 5.840 sono i feriti. Ci rendiamo conto che il numero dei palestinesi trucidati è più alto di questo (881 alle 4:50 am di sabato 26 luglio, secondo il ministro della salute), ma aspettiamo ancora conferma su alcuni nomi.

Uccisi sabato 26 luglio
  1. Husam Abul-Ghani Yassin, 15, Gaza.
  2. Ismael Abdul-Qader al-Kojok, 53, Gaza.
  3. Mohammad Hosni as-Saqqa, 20, Gaza.
  4. Islam Ibrahim an-Naji, 19. Gaza.
  5. Mohammad Matar a-Abadla, 32, Gaza.
  6. Yorsa Salem Hasan al-Breem, 65, Gaza.
  7. Mohammad Ahmad Abu Wadia, 19, Gaza.
  8. Hani Adel Abu Hassanen, 24, Gaza.
  9. Abdullah ‘Ayesh Salam Ermeilat, 39, Deir al-Balah.
  10. Eman Hasan ar-Raqeeb, Khan Younis.
  11. Khalil Najjar, Khan Younis.
  12. Jona Najjar, Khan Younis.
  13. Samir Najjar, Khan Younis.
  14. Ekhlas Najjar, Khan Younis.
  15. Husam Najjar, Khan Younis.
  16. Amna Najjar, Khan Younis
Uccisi venerdì 25 luglio
  1. Maram Rajeh Fayyad, 26, Deir al-Balah
  2. Shaima’ Hussein Abdul-Qadder Qannan (incinta), 23, Gaza.
  3. Abdul-Hadi Salah Abu Hasanen, 9, Rafah.
  4. Hadi Salah ed-Deen Abu Hassanen, 12. Rafah.
  5. Salah Ahmad Hassanen, 45, Rafah.
  6. Abdul-Aziz Salah Ahmad Hassanen, 15, Rafah.
  7. Abdul-Hadi Salam Ahmad Hassanen, 9.Rafah.
  8. Mohammad Ibrahim al-Khatib, 27, Khan Younis.
  9. Mohammad Samir Najjar, 25, Khan Younis.
  10. Rasmiyya Salama, 24, Khan Younis.
  11. Suleiman ash-Shawwaf, 21, Khan Younis.
  12. Rasha Abed-Rabbo ‘Affana, 25, nord di Gaza.
  13. Ali Mohammad Asfour, 58, Khan Younis.
  14. Eid Mohammad Abu Qteifan, 23, Deir al-Balah.
  15. Eyad Nassr Sharab, Khan Younis.
  16. Najat Ibrahim an-Najjar, 35, Khan Younis
  17. Sharif Mohammad Hasan, 27, Khan Younis
  18. Mohammad Khalil Hamad, 18, Khan Younis.
  19. Mandouh Ibrahim ash-Shawaf, 25, Khan Younis.
  20. Walid Sa’id al-Harazin, 5, Gaza
  21. Tareq Zohdi, 22, Meghraqa, Distretto Centrale
  22. Salama Abu Kamil, 26. Meghraqa, Distretto Centrale
  23. Ahmad Mahdi Abi Zour, 25, Gaza
  24. Naji Bassem Abu Ammouna, 25, Gaza
  25. Imad Adnan Abu Kamil, 20, Al-Meghraqa
  26. Mohammad Yassin Siyam, Zietoun - Gaza
  27. Rami Mohammad Yassin, Zeitoun – Gaza
  28. Osama Salim Shaheen, 27, Khan Younis.
  29. Hamada Suleiman Abu Younis, 25.
  30. Mohammad Kamel an-Naqa, 34, Khan Younis.
  31. Kamaal Kamel an-Naqa, 35, Khan Younis.
  32. Yousef Kamal Mohammed al-Wasify, 26, Gaza City.
  33. Mazin Abdeen, 23, Rafah.
  34. Adnan Shahid Ashteiwi Abdeen, 35, Rafah.
  35. Mohammad Abdel Nasser Abu Zina, 24, al-Zaitoun.
  36. Abdul Majeed al-Eidi, 35, al-Zaitoun.
  37. Mohammad Ahmed Abu Wadiya, 19, Gaza City.
  38. Hani 'Adel Abu Hassanein, 24, Gaza City.
  39. Yassin Mustafa al-Astal, 38, Khan Younis.
  40. Yosra Salem Hasan al-Breem, 65, Khan Younis.
  41. Mohammad Issa Khaled Hajji, 24, Gaza City.
  42. Hasan Hussein al-Howwari, Gaza City.
  43. Hosam Rabhi, Gaza City.
  44. Hamed al-Bora'ey, medico, Beit Hanoun.
  45. Mohammad Matar al-'Abadla, 32, medico, Khuza'a, Khan Younis.
Uccisi giovedì 24 luglio
  1. Bassam Khaled Abu Shahla, 44, Khan Younis.
  2. Ahmad Rif’at Ar-Roqab, 23, Khan Younis.
  3. Salman Salman al-Breem, 27, Khan Younis.
  4. Mohammad Hasan Abdul-Qader al-Astal, 43, Khan Younis.
  5. Mohammad Ismael al-Astal, 17, Khan Younis.
  6. Ismael Mohammad al-Astal, 48, Khan Younis.
  7. Ahmad Mohammad Ismael al-Astal, 20, Khan Younis.
  8. Mohammad Saleh Mohammad al-Astal, 18.
  9. Malak Amin Ahmad al-Astal, 24, Khan Younis.
  10. Tha’er Omran Khamis al-Astal, 30.
  11. Milad Omran al-Astal, 29, Khan Younis.
  12. Mohammad Omran Khamis al-Astal, 33, Khan Younis.
  13. Ahmad Thaer Omran al-Astal, 33, Khan Younis.
  14. Amin Thaer Omran al-Astal, 3 Khan Younis.
  15. Nada Thaer Omran al-Astal, 5, Khan Younis.
  16. Yazid Sa’ad al-Batsh, 23, Gaza.
  17. Ibrahim Abdullah Abu Aita, 67, Jabalia.
  18. Ahmad Ibrahim Abdullah Abu Aita, 30, Jabalia.
  19. Jamila Salim Abu Aita, 65, Jabalia.
  20. Adham Ahmad Abu Aita, 11, Jabalia.
  21. Khalil Nasser Aita Wishah, 21, Distretto Centrale.
  22. Mohammad Ibrahim Abu Aita, 32, Jabalia.
  23. Ahmad Ibrahim Said al-Qar’an, 26, Distretto Centrale.
  24. Hadi Abdul-Hamid Abdul Nabi, 18 mesi, Jabalia
  25. Yahia Ibrahim Abu 'Arbaid, Beit Hanoun
  26. Mohammad Suleiman an-Najjar, Khuza'a, Khan Younis.
  27. Bilal Zayad 'Alwan, 20, Jabalia
  28. Majed Mohammad, 26, Jabalia
  29. Mohammed Ibrahim Abu Daqqa, 42, Khuza'a, Khan Younis
  30. Akram Ibrahim Abu Daqqa, 50, Khuza'a, Khan Younis.
  31. Salameh al-Rade'a, infante, nord di Gaza.
  32. Ismail Hussein Abu Rjeila, Khan Younis.
  33. Nafez Suleiman Qdeih, 35, Khan Younis.
  34. Nabil Shehda Qdeih, 45, Khan Younis.
  35. Baker an-Najjar, 13, Khan Younis.
  36. Mohammad Ahmad Najjar, Khan Younis.
  37. Anwar Ahmad Najjar, Khan Younis.
  38. Anwar Ahmad Abu Daqqa, Khan Younis.
  39. Mousa Abu Daqqa, Khan Younis.
  40. Adli Khalil Abu Daqqa,Khan Younis.
  41. Ahmad Abdul-Karim Ahmad Hasan, Khan Younis
  42. ‘Ola Abu Aida, 27, Zahra - Khan Younis.
  43. Ahmad Abdul-Karim Hasan, Zahra – Khan Younis
  44. Mohammad Ismael Khader, Zahra – Khan Younis.
  45. Anas Akram Skafi, 18, Shujaeyya - Gaza.
  46. Sa’ad Akram Skafi, 18 (gemello) Shujaeyya - Gaza.
  47. Mohammad Jihad Matar, Beit Hanoun
  48. Amna Jihad Matar, Beit Hanoun
  49. Tamam Mohammad Hamad, Beit Hanoun
  50. Khader Khalil al-Louh, 50, Atatra, Nord di Gaza
  51. Ramsi Mousa Abu Reeda, Khan Younis
  52. Mohammad Abu Yousef, Khan Younis
  53. Ahmad Qdeih, Khan Younis
  54. Rami Qdeih, Khan Younis
  55. Khader Khalil al-Louh, 50, Northern Gaza.
  56. Badr Hatem Qdeih, 13, Khuza’a, Khan Younis.
  57. Hanafi Mahmoud Abu Yousef, 42, Khuza’a, Khan Younis.
  58. Abdel Aziz Nour El Din Noor, 21, Shuja’eyya.
  59. Amir Islam Adel, 9, Rafah.
  60. Amir Adel Siam Siam 13, Rafah.
  61. Issam Faisal Siam, 23, Rafah.
  62. Mahmoud Silmy Rowaished, 50, Rafah.
  63. Ahmed Abu Jm'ean Hji'er 19, Al-Bureij.
  64. Amer Abdul-Raouf Mohamed El Azab, 26, Deir al-Balah.
  65. Tha'er Owda Shamaly, 19, Shuja’eyya.
  66. Mohammed Yousef Al-Qadi, 27 (ricoverato in un ospedale egiziano)
  67. Yasmin Ahmed Abu Moor, 27 (ricoverato in un ospedale egiziano)
  68. Mohammed Rateb Abu Jazr, 26, Khan Younis.
  69. Hisham Mohammad Abu Jazr, 23, Khan Younis.
  70. Mohammed Farhan Abu Jazr, 19, Khan Younis.
  71. Shadi Suleiman Kawar'e, 31, Khan Younis.
  72. Ra'ed Abu Owda 17, UN School, Beit Hanoun.
  73. Ashraf Ibrahim Hasan Najjar, 13, Khan Younis
  74. Mahmoud Jihad Awad Abdin, 12, Khan Younis
  75. Ahmad Talal Najjar, Khan Younis
  76. Mohammad Abdullah Najjar, Khan Younis
  77. Sana’ Hasan Ali al-Astal, Khan Younis
  78. Nabil Mahmoud Mohammad al-Astal, 12, Khan Younis
  79. Ashraf Mahmoud Mohammad al-Astal, Khan Younis
  80. Mahmoud Suleiman al-Astal, 17, Khan Younis
  81. Laila Ibrahim Zo’rob, 40, Rafah
  82. Mahmoud As’ad Ghaban, 24, Beit Lahia
  83. Ibrahim Jihad Abu Laban, 27, Zeitoun - Gaza
  84. Mahmoud Jihad Awad Abdin, 12, Khan Younis
  85. Ibrahim Sheikh Omar, 36 months, Gaza
Uccisi mercoledì 23 luglio
  1. Hasan Abu Hayyin, 70, Shujaeyya, Gaza.
  2. Abdul-Rahman Abu Hayyin, 24
  3. Osama Bahjat Rajab, 34, Beit Lahia.
  4. Mohammad Daoud Hammouda, 33, Beit Lahia.
  5. Hamza Ziyada Abu ‘Anza, 18, Khan Younis.
  6. Saddam Ibrahim Abu Assi, 23, Khan Younis, was seriously injured Tuesday, died Wednesday.
  7. Wisam ‘Ala Najjar, 17, Khan Younis
  8. Mohammad Mansour al-Bashiti, 7, Khan Younis.
  9. Bassam Abdullah Abu T’eimi, 23, Khan Younis.
  10. Mohammad Na’im Abu T’eimi, 25, Khan Younis.
  11. Ismail Abu Tharifa, Khan Younis.
  12. Zeinab Abu Teir, ragazzino, Khan Younis.
  13. Mohammad Radi Abu Redya, 22, Khan Younis.
  14. Shama Shahin, Khan Younis (moglie di Mohammad)
  15. Mojahed Marwan Skafi, 20, Shuja'eyya, Gaza.
  16. Adnan Ghazi Habib, 23, central Gaza.
  17. Ibrahim Ahmad Shbeir, 24, Khan Younis
  18. Mustafa Mohammad Mahmoud Fayyad, 24, nord di Gaza.
  19. Nidal Hamad al-‘Ejla, 25, Gaza.
  20. Khalil Abu Jame’, Khan Younis.
  21. Husam al-Qarra, Khan Younis
  22. Rabea’ Qassem, 12, Nord di Gaza
  23. Hasan Salah Abu Jamous, 29, Khan Younis
  24. Mahmoud Yousef Khaled al-‘Abadla, 22, Khan Younis
  25. Nour Abdul-Rahim al-‘Abadla, 22, Khan Younis
  26. Mohammad Farid al-Astal, Khan Younis.
  27. Mohammad Abdul-Ra’ouf ad-Dadda, 39, Gaza.
  28. Ahmad Mohammad Bolbol, Gaza.
  29. Ibrahim Omar al-Hallaq, 40, Khan Younis
  30. Wael Maher Awwad, 23, Khan Younis
  31. Ahmad Mahmoud Sohweil, 23, Khan Younis
  32. Issam Ismael Abu Shaqra, 42, Khan Younis
  33. Abdul-Rahman Ibrahim Abu Shaqra, 17, Khan Younis
  34. Mohammad Ahmad Akram Abu Shaqra, 17, Khan Younis
  35. Ahmad as-Saqqa, 17, Khan Younis
  36. Fayez Nayeth ath-Thatha, 24, Zeitoun – Gaza
  37. Fayez Na’im ath-Thatha, 17, Zeitoun – Gaza
  38. ‘Ala Jihad Ali Khattab, 25, Deir al-Balah
  39. Abdul-Qader Jamil al-Khalidi, 23, al-Boreij
  40. Ayman Adham Yousef Ahmad, 16, Beit Lahia
  41. Bilal Ali Ahmad Abu ‘Adra, 25, Beit Lahia
  42. Abdul-Karim Saleh Abu Jarmi, 24, Beit Lahia
Uccisi martedì 22 luglio
  1. Naji Jamal al-Fajm, 26, Khan Younis.
  2. Ebtehal Ibrahim ar-Remahi, Deir al-Balah.
  3. Yousef Ibrahim ar-Remahi, Deir al-Balah.
  4. Eman Ibrahim ar-Remahi, Deir al-Balah.
  5. Salwa Abu Mneifi, Khan Younis.
  6. Salwa Abu Mneifi, Khan Younis.
  7. Abdullah Ismael al-Baheessy, 27, Deir al-Balah.
  8. Mos’ab Saleh Salama, 19, Khan Younis.
  9. Ibrahim Nasr Haroun, 38, Nusseirat.
  10. Mahmoud Suleiman Abu Sabha, 55, Khan Younis.
  11. Hasan Khader Baker, 60, Gaza City.
  12. Wa’el Jamal Harb, 32, Rafah.
  13. Suleiman Abu Daher, 21, Khan Younis.
  14. Haitham Samir al-Agha, 26, Khan Younis.
  15. Fatima Hasan Azzam, 70, Gaza.
  16. Mariam Hasan Azzam, 50, Gaza.
  17. Yasmeen Ahmad Abu Mour, 2, Rafah.
  18. Samer Zuheri Sawafiri, 29, Rafah.
  19. Mohammad Mousa Fayyad, 36, Khan Younis
  20. Mona Rami al-Kharwat, 4, Gaza.
  21. Soha Na’im al-Kharwat, 25, Gaza.
  22. Ahmad Salah Abu Siedo, 17, Gaza.
  23. Mohammad Khalil Ahl, 65, Gaza, (ucciso durante il massacro di Shuja'eyya, domenica).
  24. Mahmoud Salim Daraj, 22, Jabalia.
  25. Radhi Abu Hweishel, 40, Nusseirat.
  26. Obeida Abu Hweishel, 15, Nusseirat.
  27. Yousef Abu Mustafa, 27, Nusseirat.
  28. Nour al-Islam Abu Hweishel, 12, Nusseirat.
  29. Yousef Fawza Abu Mustafa, 20, Nusseirat.
  30. Hani Awad Sammour, 27, Khan Younis.
  31. Ahmad Ibhrahim Shbeir, 24, Nusseirat.
  32. Mohammad Jalal al-Jarf, 24, Khan Younis.
  33. Raed Salah, 22, Al-Boreij.
  34. Ahmad Nassim Saleh, 23, Al-Boreij.
  35. Mahmoud Ghanem, 22 Al-Boreij.
  36. Mustafa Mohammad Mahmoud Fayyad, 24.
  37. Ahmad Issam Wishah, 29, Distretto Centrale.
  38. Ahmad Kamel Abu Mgheiseb, 35, Distretto Centrale.
  39. Raed Abdul-Rahman Abu Mgheiseb, 35, Distretto Centrale.
  40. Nader Abdul-Rahman Abu Mgheiseb, 35, Distretto Centrale.
  41. Ahmad Mohammad Ramadan, 30, Distretto  Centrale.
  42. Khalaf Atiyya Abu Sneima, 18, Rafah.
  43. Khalil Atiyya Abu Sneima, 20, Rafah.
  44. Samih Abu Jalala, 64. Rafah.
  45. Hakima Nafe’ Abu ‘Adwan, 75, Rafah.
  46. Najah Nafe’ Abu ‘Adwan, 85 Rafah.
  47. Mohammad Shehada Hajjaj, 31, Rafah.
  48. Fawza Saleh Abdul-Rahman Hajjaj, 66, Rafah.
  49. Rawan Ziad Jom’a Hajjaj, 28. Gaza City.
  50. Mos’ab Nafeth al-Ejla, 30. Shuja’eyya Gaza.
  51. Tareq Fayeq Hajjaj, 22, Gaza.
  52. Ahmad Ziad Hajjaj, 21 Gaza.
  53. Hasan Sha’ban Khamisy, 28 al-Maghazi, Gaza.
  54. Ahmad As’ad al-Boudi, 24, Beit Lahia.
  55. Ahmad Salah Abu Seedo, 17, Gaza.
  56. Salem Khalil Salem Shammaly, 23, Shuja'eyya - Gaza (ucciso domenica, cadavere individuato martedì)
  57. Ibrahim Sammour, 38, Khan Younis.
  58. Atiyya ad-Da’alsa, Nusseirat
  59. Abdullah Awni al-Farra, 25, Khan Younis.
  60. Hamada ‘Olewa, Zaitoun. (trovato sotto le macerie della sua casa)
  61. Ibrahim Sobhi al-Fayre, Jabalia
  62. Rafiq Mohammad Qlub, Jabalia
  63. Ahmad Abu Salah, Khan Younis.
  64. Mohammad Abdul-Karim Abu Jame’, Khan Younis.
  65. Amjad al-Hindi, Gaza City.
Uccisi lunedì 21 luglio
  1. Shahinaz Walid Mohammad Abu Hamad, 1, Khan Yunis
  2. Husam Abu Qeinas, 5, Khan Yunis
  3. Somoud Nassr Siyam, 26, Gaza City
  4. Bader Nabil Siyam, 25, Gaza City
  5. Ahmad Ayman Mahrous Siyam, 17, Gaza City
  6. Mustafa Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 12, Gaza City
  7. Ghaida Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 8, Gaza City
  8. Dalal Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 8 months, Gaza City
  9. Kamal Mahrous Salama Siyam, 27, Gaza City
  10. Mohammad Mahrous Salaam Siyam, 25, Gaza City
  11. Shireen Mahmoud Salaam Siyam, 32, Gaza City
  12. Ahmad Suleiman Abu Saoud, 34, Khan Yunis
  13. Manwa Abdul-Baset as-Sabe, 37, Beit Hanoun
  14. Kamal Balal al-Masri, 22, Beit Hanoun
  15. Bilal Jabr Mohammad al-Ashab, 22, Gaza City
  16. Raed Ismail al-Bardawil, 26, Rafah
  17. Zakariya Masoud al-Ashqar, 24, zona centrale di Gaza
  18. Abdullah Matroud Abu Hjeir, 16, zona centrale di Gaza
  19. Ahmad Salhoub, 34, zona centrale di Gaza
  20. Raed Issam Daoud, 30, Gaza City
  21. Younis Ahmad Younis Sheikh al-Eid, 23, Rafah
  22. Rajae Hammad Mohammad, 38, Gaza
  23. Ahmad Khale Daghmash, 21, Gaza
  24. Mahmoud Hasan an-Nakhala, Gaza
  25. Saleh Badawi, 31, Gaza
  26. Kamal Mas'oud, 21, Gaza
  27. Mohammad Samih al-Ghalban, Gaza
  28. Majdi Mahmoud al-Yazeji, 56, al-Karama, Gaza
  29. Mayar al- Yazeji, 2, al-Karama, Gaza
  30. Anas al- Yazeji, 5, al-Karama, Gaza
  31. Yasmin Naif al-Yazeji, al-Karama, Gaza
  32. Safinaz al-Yazeji, al-Karama, Gaza
  33. Tamer Nayef Jundiyya, 30, Gaza
  34. Kamel Jundiyya, 32, Gaza
  35. Rahma Ahmad Jundiyya, 50
  36. Mohammad Mahmoud al-Maghrebi, 24
  37. Ibrahim Shaban Bakron, 37
  38. Yousef Ghazi Hamdiyya, 25, Gaza
  39. Motaz Jamal Hamdiyya, 18, Gaza
  40. Aaed Jamal Hamdiyya, 21. Gaza
  41. Yasmin al-Qisas, Gaza City
  42. Lamia Eyad al-Qisas, Gaza City
  43. Nismaa Eyad al-Qisas, Gaza City
  44. Arwa al-Qisas, Gaza City
  45. Aya Yassr al-Qisas, Gaza City
  46. Aisha Yassr al-Qisas, Gaza City
  47. Aliya Siyam, Gaza City
  48. Fayza Sabr Siyam, Gaza City
  49. Samia Siyam, Gaza City
  50. Fadi Azmi Buryam, Deir al-Balah
  51. Ayman Salaam Buryam, Deir al-Balah
  52. Salaam Abdul-Majeed Buryam, Deir al-Balah
  53. Karim Ibrahim Atiya Barham, 25, Khan Yunis
  54. Nidal Ali Daka, 26, Khan Yunis
  55. Nidal Jamaa Abu Asy, 43, Khan Yunis
  56. Fatima Ahmad al-Arja, Rafah
  57. Atiya Yusef Dardouna, 26, Jabalia
  58. Ibrahim Deib Ahmad al-Kilani, 53 (padre di Yassr, Elias, Susan, Reem & Yasmeen) , Gaza City
  59. Yassr Ibrahim Deib al-Kilani, 8, Gaza City
  60. Elias Ibrahim Deib al-Kilani, 4, Gaza City
  61. Susan Ibrahim Deib al-Kilani, 11, Gaza City
  62. Reem Ibrahim Deib al-Kilani, 12, Gaza City
  63. Yasmeen Ibrahim Deeb al-Kilani, 9, Gaza City
  64. Taghrid Shoeban Mohammad al-Kilani, 45, Gaza City
  65. Aida Shoeban Mohammad Derbas, 47, Gaza City
  66. Mahmoud Shoeban Mohammad Derbas, 37, Gaza City
  67. Sura Shoeban Mohammad Derbas, 41, Gaza City
  68. Aynas Shoeban Mohammad Derbas, 30, Gaza City
  69. Fadi Bashir al-Ablala, 22, Khan Yunis
Uccisi domenica 20 luglio
1.     Salem Ali Abu Saada, Khan Yunis
2.     Mohammad Yusef Moammer, 30, Rafah
3.     Hamza Yousef Moammer, 26, Rafah
4.     Anas Yousef Moammar, 16
5.     Hosni Mahmoud al-Absi, 56, Rafah
6.     Suheib Ali Joma Abu Qoura, 21, Rafah
7.     Ahmad Tawfiq Mohammad Zanoun, 26, Rafah
8.     Hamid Soboh Mohammad Fojo, 22, Rafah
9.     Najah Saad al-Deen Daraji, 65, Rafah
10.  Abdullah Yusef Daraji, 3, Rafah
11.  Mohammed Rajaa Handam 15, Rafah
12.  Yusef Shaaban Ziada, 44, Al Bureij
13.  Jamil Shaaban Ziada, 53, Al Bureij
14.  Shoeban Jamil Ziada, 12, Al Bureij (figlio di Jamil)
15.  Soheiib Abu Ziada, Al Bureij
16.  Mohammad Mahmoud al-Moqaddma, 30, Al Bureij
17.  Raed Mansour Nayfa, Shujaeyya (Gaza City)
18.  Fuad Jaber, Medic, Shujaeyya (Gaza City)
19.  Mohammad Hani Mohammad al-Hallaq, 2, al-Rimal (Gaza City)
20.  Kenan Hasan Akram al-Hallaq, 6, al-Rimal - Gaza
21.  Hani Mohammad al-Hallaq, 29, al-Rimal (Gaza City)
22.  Suad Mohammad al-Hallaq, 62, al-Rimal (Gaza City)
23.  Saje Hasan Akram al-Hallaq, 4, al-Rimal (Gaza City)
24.  Hala Akram Hasan al-Hallaq, 27, al-Rimal (Gaza City)
25.  Samar Osama al-Hallaq, 29, al-Rimal (Gaza City)
26.  Ahmad Yassin, al-Rimal (Gaza City)
27.  Ismael Yassin, al-Rimal (Gaza City)
28.  Aya Bahjat Abu Sultan, 15, Beit Lahia
29.  Ibrahim Salem Joma as-Sahbani, 20, Shujaeyya - Gaza
30.  Aref Ibrahim al-Ghalyeeni, 26, Shujaeyya - Gaza
31.  Osama Khalil Ismael al-Hayya, 30, Shujaeyya - Gaza (father of Umama and Khalil)
32.  Hallah Saqer Hasan al-Hayya, 29, Shujaeyya - Gaza (mother of Umama and Khalil)
33.  Umama Osama Khalil al-Hayya, 9, Shujaeyya - Gaza
34.  Khalil Osama Khalil al-Hayya, 7, Shujaeyya - Gaza
35.  Rebhi Shehta Ayyad, 31, Shujaeyya - Gaza
36.  Yasser Ateyya Hamdiyya, 28, Shujaeyya - Gaza
37.  Esra Ateyya Hamdiyya, 28, Shujaeyya - Gaza
38.  Akram Mohammad Shkafy, 63, Shujaeyya - Gaza
39.  Eman Khalil Abed Ammar, 9, Shujaeyya - Gaza
40.  Ibrahim Khalil Abed Ammar, 13, Shujaeyya - Gaza*
41.  Asem Khalil Abed Ammar, 4, Shujaeyya - Gaza
42.  Eman Mohammad Ibrahim Hamada, 40, Shujaeyya - Gaza
43.  Ahmad Ishaq Yousef Ramlawy, 33, Shujaeyya - Gaza
44.  Ahmad Sami Diab Ayyad, 27, Shujaeyya - Gaza
45.  Fida Rafiq Diab Ayyad, 24, Shujaeyya - Gaza
46.  Narmin Rafiw Diab Ayyad, 20, Shujaeyya - Gaza
47.  Ahmad Mohammad Ahmad Abu Zanouna, 28
48.  Tala Akram Ahmad al-Atawy, 7, Shujaeyya - Gaza
49.  Tawfiq Barawi Salem Marshoud, 52, Shujaeyya - Gaza
50.  Hatem Ziad Ali Zabout, 24, Shujaeyya - Gaza
51.  Khaled Riyadh Mohammad Hamad, 25, Shujaeyya - Gaza (giornalista)
52.  Khadija Ali Mousa Shihada, 62, Shujaeyya - Gaza
53.  Khalil Salem Ibrahim Mosbeh, 53, Shujaeyya - Gaza
54.  Adel Abdullah Eslayyem, 2, Shujaeyya - Gaza
55.  Dina Roshdi Abdullah Eslayyem, 2, Shujaeyya - Gaza
56.  Rahaf Akram Ismael Abu Joma, 4, Shujaeyya - Gaza
57.  Shadi Ziad Hasan Eslayyem, 15, Shujaeyya - Gaza
58.  Ala Ziad Hasan Eslayyem, 11, Shujaeyya - Gaza
59.  Sherin Fathi Othman Ayyad, 18, Shujaeyya - Gaza
60.  Adel Abdullah Salem Eslayyem, 29, Shujaeyya - Gaza
61.  Fadi Ziad Hasan Eslayyem, 10, Shujaeyya - Gaza
62.  Ahed Saad Mousa Sarsak, 30, Shujaeyya - Gaza
63.  Aisha Ali Mahmoud Zayed, 54, Shujaeyya - Gaza
64.  Abed-Rabbo Ahmad Zayed, 58, Shujaeyya - Gaza
65.  Abdul-Rahman Akram Sheikh Khalil, 24, Shujaeyya - Gaza
66.  Mona Suleiman Ahmad Sheikh Khalil, 49
67.  Heba Hamed Mohammad Sheikh Khalil, 13, Shujaeyya - Gaza
68.  Abdullah Mansour Radwan Amara, 23, Shujaeyya - Gaza
69.  Issam Atiyya Said Skafy, 26, Shujaeyya - Gaza
70.  Ali Mohammad Hasan Skafy, 27, Shujaeyya - Gaza
71.  Mohammad Hasan Skafy, 53, Shujaeyya - Gaza
72.  Ala Jamal ed-Deen Barda, 35, Shujaeyya - Gaza
73.  Omar Jamil Sobhi Hammouda, 10, Shujaeyya - Gaza
74.  Ghada Jamil Sobhi Hammouda, 10, Shujaeyya - Gaza
75.  Ghada Ibrahim Suleiman Adwan, 39, Shujaeyya - Gaza
76.  Fatima Abdul-Rahim Abu Ammouna, 55, Shujaeyya - Gaza
77.  Fahmi Abdul-Aziz Abu Said, 29, Shujaeyya - Gaza
78.  Ghada Sobhi Saadi Ayyad, 9, Shujaeyya - Gaza
79.  Mohammad Ashraf Rafiq Ayyad, 6, Shujaeyya - Gaza
80.  Mohammad Raed Ehsan Ayyad, 6, Shujaeyya - Gaza
81.  Mohammad Rami Fathi Ayyad, 2, Shujaeyya - Gaza
82.  Mohammad Raed Ehsan Akeela, 19, Shujaeyya - Gaza
83.  Mohammad Ziad Ali Zabout, 23, Shujaeyya - Gaza
84.  Mohammad Ali Mohared Jundiyya, 38, Shujaeyya - Gaza
85.  Marah Shaker Ahmad al-Jammal, 2, Shujaeyya - Gaza
86.  Marwan Monir Saleh Qonfid, 23, Shujaeyya - Gaza
87.  Maisa Abdul-Rahman Sarsawy, 37, Shujaeyya - Gaza
88.  Marwa Salman Ahmad Sarsawy, 13, Shujaeyya - Gaza
89.  Mos'ab el-Kheir Salah ed-Din Skafi, 27, Shujaeyya - Gaza
90.  Mona Abdul-Rahman Ayyad, 42, Shujaeyya - Gaza
91.  Halla Sobhi Sa'dy Ayyad, 25, Shujaeyya - Gaza
92.  Younis Ahmad Younis Mustafa, 62, Shujaeyya - Gaza
93.  Yousef Salem Hatmo Habib, 62, Shujaeyya - Gaza
94.  Fatima Abu Ammouna, 55, Shujaeyya - Gaza
95.  Ahmad Mohammad Azzam, 19, Shujaeyya - Gaza
96.  Ismael al-Kordi, Shujaeyya - Gaza
97.  Fatima Ahmad Abu Jame’ (60), matriarca della famiglia, Khan Younis.
98.  Sabah Abu Jame' (35), sua nuora e la sua famiglia:
99.  Razan Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jame' (14), Khan Younis.
100.              Jawdat Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jame' (13), Khan Younis.
101.              Aya Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jame', (12), Khan Younis.
102.              Haifaa Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jame' (9), Khan Younis.
103.              Ahmad Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jame' (8), Khan Younis.
104.              Maysaa Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jame' (7), Khan Younis.
105.              Tawfiq Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jame' (4), Khan Younis.
106.              Shahinaz Walid Muhammad Abu Jame' (29), incinta. (nuora di Fatima, e la sua famiglia)
107.              Fatmeh Taysir Ahmad Abu Jame' (12), Khan Younis.
108.              Ayub Taysir Ahmad Abu Jame' (10), Khan Younis.
109.              Rayan Taysir Ahmad Abu Jame' (5), Khan Younis.
110.              Rinat Taysir Ahmad Abu Jame' (2), Khan Younis.
111.              Nujud Taysir Ahmad Abu Jame' (4 months), Khan Younis.
112.              Yasmin Ahmad Salameh Abu Jame' (25), incinta (un’altra delle nuore di Fatima, e la sua famiglia):
113.              Batul Bassam Ahmad Abu Jame' (4) , Khan Younis.
114.              Soheila Bassam Ahmad Abu Jame'(3) , Khan Younis.
115.              Bisan Bassam Ahmad Abu Jame' (6 months) , Khan Younis.
116.              Yasser Ahmad Muhammad Abu Jame' (27) – figlio di Fatima
117.              Fatima Riad Abu Jame' (26), incinta, moglie di Yasser e nuora di Fatima
118.              Sajedah Yasser Ahmad Abu Jame' (7), Khan Younis.
119.              Siraj Yasser Ahmad Abu Jame' (4), Khan Younis.
120.              Noor Yasser Ahmad Abu Jame' (2), Khan Younis.
121.              Husam Husam Abu Qeinas (7) (un altro dei nipoti di Fatima)

Uccisi sabato 19 luglio
  1. Yahia Bassam as-Serry, 20, Khan Yunis
  2. Mohammad Bassam as-Serry, 17, Khan Yunis
  3. Mahmoud Rida Salhiyya, 56, Khan Yunis
  4. Mustafa Rida Salhiyya, 21, Khan Yunis
  5. Mohammad Mustafa Salhiyya, 22, Khan Yunis
  6. Waseem Rida Salhiyya, 15, Khan Yunis
  7. Ibrahim Jamal Kamal Nassr, 13, Khan Yunis
  8. Rushdi Khaled Nassr, 24, Khan Yunis
  9. Mohammad Awad Faris Nassr, 25, Khan Yunis
  10. Ahmad Mahmoud Hasan Aziz, 34, Beit Hanoun
  11. Said Ali Issa, 30, Juhr ed-Deek, zona centrale di Gaza
  12. Raed Walid Laqan, 27, Khan Yunis
  13. Mohammad Jihad al-Qara, 29, Khan Yunis
  14. Rafat Ali Bahloul, 36, Khan Yunis
  15. Bilal Ismail Abu Doqqa, 33, Khan Yunis
  16. Mohammad Ismail Sammour, 21, Khan Yunis
  17. Eyad Ismael ar-Raqab, 26, Khan Yunis
  18. Mohammad Atallah Odah Saadat, 25, Beit Hanoun
  19. Mohammad Rafiq ar-Rohhal, 22, Beit Lahia
  20. Mohammad Ziad ar-Rohhal, 6, Beit Lahia
  21. Mohammad Ahmad Abu Zanouna, 37, Gaza City
  22. Mahmoud Abdul-Hamid al-Zweidi, 23, Beit Lahia
  23. Dalia Abdel-Hamid al-Zweidi, 37, Beit Lahia
  24. Rowiya Mahmoud al-Zweidi, 6, Beit Lahia
  25. Naghm Mahmoud al-Zweidi, 2, Beit Lahia
  26. Mohammad Khaled Jamil al-Zweidi, 20, Beit Lahia
  27. Amr Hamouda, 7, Beit Lahia
  28. Mohammad Riziq Mohammad Hamouda, 18
  29. Momen Taysir al-Abed Abu Dan, 24, Distretto Centrale
  30. Abdul-Aziz Samir Abu Zaitar, 31, Distretto Centrale
  31. Mohammad Ziad Zabout, 24, Gaza City
  32. Hatem Ziad Zabout, 22, Gaza City
  33. Fadal Mohammad al-Bana, 29, ucciso a Jabalia
  34. Mohammad Abdul-Rahman Abu Hamad, 25, Beit Lahia
  35. Maali Abdul-Rahman Suleiman Abu Zeid, 24, Distretto Centrale
  36. Mohammad Ahmad as-Saidi, 18, Khan Yunis
  37. Abdul-Rahman Mohammad Odah, 23, Distretto Centrale
  38. Tariq Samir Khalil al-Hatou, 26, Distretto Centrale
  39. Mahmoud al-Sharif, 24, Distretto Centrale
  40. Mohammad Fathi al-Ghalban, 23, Khan Yunis
  41. Mahmoud Anwar Abu Shabab, 16, Rafah
  42. Ahmad Abu Thurayya, 25, Distretto Centrale
  43. Abdullah Ghazi al-Masri, 30, Distretto Centrale
  44. Ayman Hisham an-Na'ouq, 25, Distretto Centrale
  45. Aqram Mahmoud al-Matouq, 37, Jabalia
Uccisi venerdì 18 luglio
  1. Majdi Suleiman Jabara, 22, Rafah
  2. Faris Juma al-Mahmoum, 5 mesi, Rafah
  3. Omar Eid al-Mahmoum, 18, Rafah
  4. Nassim Mahmoud Nassier, 22. Beit Hanoun
  5. Karam Mahmoud Nassier, 20, Beit Hanoun
  6. Salmiyya Suleiman Ghayyadh, 70, Rafah
  7. Rani Saqer Abu Tawila, 30, Gaza City
  8. Hammad Abdul-Karim Abu Lehya, 23, Khan Yunis
  9. Mohammad Abdul-Fattah Rashad Fayyad, 26, Khan Yunis
  10. Mahmoud Mohammad Fayyad, 25, Khan Yunis
  11. Amal Khader Ibrahim Dabbour, 40, Beit Hanoun
  12. Ismail Yousef Taha Qassim, 59, Beit Hanoun
  13. Ahmad Fawzi Radwan, 23, Khan Yunis
  14. Mahmoud Fawzi Radwan, 24, Khan Yunis
  15. Bilal Mahmoud Radwan, 23, Khan Yunis
  16. Monther Radwan, 22, Khan Yunis
  17. Hani As'ad Abdul-Karim Shami, 35, Khan Yunis
  18. Mohammad Hamdan Abdul-Karim Shami, 35, Khan Yunis
  19. Husam Musallam Abu Issa, 26. Gaza
  20. Ahmad Ismael Abu Musallam, 14, Gaza City
  21. Mohammad Ismael Abu Musallam, 15, Gaza City
  22. Wala Ismael Abu Musallam, 13, Gaza City
  23. Naim Mousa Abu Jarad, 23, Beit Hanoun
  24. Abed Mousa Abu Jarad, 30, Beit Hanoun
  25. Siham Mousa Abu Jarad, 26, Beit Hanoun
  26. Raja Oliyyan Abu Jarad, 31, Beit Hanoun
  27. Haniyya Abdul-Rahman Abu Jarad, 3, Beit Hanoun
  28. Samih Naim Abu Jarad, 1, Beit Hanoun
  29. Mousa Abul-Rahman Abu Jarad, 6 months, Beit Hanoun
  30. Ahlam Mousa Abu Jarad, 13, Beit Hanoun
  31. Husam Musallam Abu Aisha, 26, Jahr al-Deek
  32. . Mohammad Saad Mahmoud Abu Sa'da , Khan Yunis
  33. Ra'fat Mohammad al-Bahloul, 35, Khan Yunis
  34. Wala al-Qarra, 20, Khan Yunis
  35. Abdullah Jamal as-Smeiri, 17, Khan Yunis
  36. Ahmad Hasan Saleh al-Ghalban, 23, Khan Yunis
  37. Hamada Abdullah Mohammad al-Bashiti, 21, Khan Yunis
  38. Hamza Mohammad Abu Hussein, 27, Rafah
  39. Ala Abu Shabab, 23, Rafah
  40. Mohammad Awad Matar, 37, Rafah
  41. Bassem Mohammad Mahmoud Madhi, 22, Rafah
  42. Ahmad Abdullah al-Bahnasawi, 25. Um An-Nasr
  43. Saleh Zgheidy, 20, Rafah
  44. Mahmoud Ali Darwish, 40, Nusseirat, Central Gaza
  45. Yousef Ibrahim al-Astal, 23,Khan Yunis
  46. Imad Hamed E'lawwan, 7, Gaza
  47. Qassem Hamed E'lawwan, 4, Gaza (fratello di Imad)
  48. Sarah Mohammad Bustan, 13, Gaza
  49. Rezeq Ahmad al-Hayek, 2, Gaza
  50. Mustafa Faisal Abu Sneina, 32, Rafah
  51. Imad Faisal Abu Sneina, 18, Rafah
  52. Nizar Fayez Abu Sneina, 38, Rafah
  53. Ismail Ramadan al-Loulahi, 21, Khan Yunis
  54. Ghassan Salem Mousa Abu Azab, 28, Khan Yunis
  55. Ahmad Salem Shaat, 22, Khan Yunis
  56. Mohammad Salem Shaat, 20, Khan Yunis
  57. Amjad Salem Shaat, 15, Khan Yunis
  58. Mohammad Talal as-Sane, 20, Rafah
Uccisi giovedì 17 luglio
  1. Mohammad Mahmoud Al-Qadim, 22, Deir al-Balah
  2. Mohammad Abdul-Rahman Hassouna, 67, Rafah
  3. Zeinab Mohammad Said al-Abadla, 71, Khan Yunis
  4. Ahmad Reehan, 23, Beit Lahia
  5. Salem Saleh Fayyad, 25, Gaza City
  6. Abdullah Salem al-Atras, 27, Rafah
  7. Bashir Mohammad Abdul-Al, 20, Rafah
  8. Mohammad Ziyad Ghanem, 25, Rafah
  9. Mohammad Ahmad al-Hout, 41, Rafah
  10. Fulla Tariq Shuhaibar, 8, Gaza City
  11. Jihad Issam Shuhaibar, 10, Gaza City
  12. Wasim Issam Shuhaibar, 9, Gaza City
  13. Rahaf Khalil al-Jbour, 4, Khan Yunis
  14. Yassin al-Humaidi, 4, Gaza City (morto per precedenti ferite).
  15. Ismail Youssef al-Kafarneh, Beit Hanoun
  16. Hamza Hussein al-Abadala, 29, Khan Yunis
  17. Abed Ali Ntheir, 26, Gaza City
  18. Mohammad Shadi Ntheir, 15, Gaza City
  19. Mohammad Salem Ntheir, 4, Gaza City
  20. Salah Saleh ash-Shafe'ey, Khan Yunis
Uccisi mercoledì 16 luglio
  1. Mohammad Ismael Abu Odah, 27, Rafah
  2. Mohammad Abdullah Zahouq, 23, Rafah
  3. Ahmed Adel Nawajha, 23, Rafah
  4. Mohammad Taisir Abu Sharab, 23, Khan Yunis
  5. Mohammad Sabri ad-Debari, Rafah
  6. Farid Mahmoud Abu-Doqqa, 33, Khan Yunis
  7. Ashraf Khalil Abu Shanab, 33, Rafah
  8. Khadra Al-Abed Salama Abu Doqqa, 65, Khan Yunis
  9. Omar Ramadan Abu Doqqa, 24, Khan Yunis
  10. Ibrahim Ramadan Abu Doqqa, 10, Khan Yunis
  11. Ahed Atef Bakr, 10, Gaza beach.
  12. Zakariya Ahed Bakr, 10, Gaza beach.
  13. Mohammad Ramiz Bakr, 11, Gaza beach.
  14. Ismail Mahmoud Bakr, 9, Gaza beach.
  15. Mohammad Kamel Abdul-Rahman, 30, Sheikh Ejleen, Gaza City
  16. Husam Shamlakh, 23, Sheikh Ejleen, Gaza City
  17. Usama Mahmoud Al-Astal, 6, Khan Yunis (morto per le ferite riportate in precedenza durante un attacco ad una moschea)
  18. Hussein Abdul-Nasser al-Astal, 23, Khan Yunis
  19. Kawthar al-Astal, 70, Khan Yunis
  20. Yasmin al-Astal, 4, Khan Yunis
  21. Kamal Mohammad Abu Amer, 38, Khan Yunis
  22. Akram Mohammad Abu Amer, 34, Khan Yunis (fratello di Kamal, ferito nello stesso incidente,poi morto lo stesso giorno per le ferite
  23. Hamza Raed Thary, 6, Jabalia (ferito pochi giorni prima nell’incidente in cui molti, inclusi bambini, sono stati uccisi mentre giocavano nella sabbia nella spiaggia di Jabalia)
  24. Abdul-Rahman Ibrahim Khalil as-Sarhi, 37, Gaza City
Uccisi martedì 15 luglio
  1. Abdullah Mohammad al-Arjani, 19, Khan Yunis
  2. Suleiman Abu Louly, 33, Rafah
  3. Saleh Said Dahleez, 20, Rafah
  4. Yasser Eid al-Mahmoum, 18, Rafah
  5. Ismael Fattouh Ismael, 24, Gaza City
  6. Khalil Sh'aafy, Juhr Ed-Deek - Gaza
  7. Sobhi Abdul-hamid Mousa, 77, Khan Yunis
Uccisi lunedì 14 luglio
  1. Adham Abdul-Fattah Abdul-Aal, 27
  2. Hamid Suleiman Abu al-Araj, 60, Deir al-Balah
  3. Abdullah Mahmoud Baraka, 24, Khan Yunis
  4. Tamer Salem Qdeih, 37, Khan Yunis
  5. Ziad Maher an-Najjar, 17, Khan Yunis
  6. Ziad Salem ash-Shawy, 25, Rafah
  7. Mohammad Yasser Hamdan, 24, Gaza
  8. Mohammad Shakib al-Agha, 22, Khan Yunis
  9. Ahmed Younis Abu Yousef, 22, Khan Yunis
  10. Sara Omar Sheikh al-Eid, 4, Rafah
  11. Omar Ahmad Sheikh al-Eid, 24, Rafah
  12. Jihad Ahmad Sheikh al-Eid, 48, Rafah
  13. Kamal Atef Yousef Abu Taha, 16, Khan Yunis
  14. Ismael Nabil Ahmad Abu Hatab, 21, Khan Yunis
  15. Boshra Khalil Zorob, 53, Rafah
  16. Atwa Amira al-Amour, 63, Khan Yunis
Uccisi domenica 13 luglio
  1. Ezzeddin Bolbol, 25, Rafah
  2. Rami Abu Shanab, 25, Deir al-Balah
  3. Fawziyya Abdul-al, 73, Gaza City
  4. Moayyad al-Araj, 3, Khan Yunis*
  5. Husam Ibrahim Najjar, 14, Jabalia
  6. Hijaziyya Hamed al-Hilo, 80, Gaza City
  7. Ruwaida abu Harb Zawayda, 30, zona centrale di Gaza
  8. Haitham Ashraf Zorob, 21, Rafah
  9. Laila Hassan al-Odaat, 41, al-Maghazi
  10. Hussein Abdul-Qader Mheisin, 19, Gaza
  11. Qassem Talal Hamdan, 23, Beit Hanoun
  12. Maher Thabet abu Mour, 23, Khan Yunis -
  13. Mohammad Salem Abu Breis, 65, Deir al-Balah
  14. Moussa Shehda Moammer, 60, Khan Yunis
  15. Hanadi Hamdi Moammer, 27, Khan Yunis
  16. Saddam Mousa Moammer, 23, Khan Yunis
Uccisi sabato 12 luglio
  1. Anas Yousef Qandil, 17, Jabalia
  2. Islam Yousef Mohammad Qandil, 27, Jabalia
  3. Mohammad Edrees Abu Sneina, 20, Jabalia
  4. Abdul-Rahim Saleh al-Khatib, 38, Jabalia
  5. Husam Thieb ar-Razayna, 39, Jabalia
  6. Ibrahim Nabil Hamada, 30, at-Tuffah - Gaza City
  7. Hasan Ahmad Abu Ghush, 24, at-Tuffah - Gaza City
  8. Ahmad Mahmoud al-Bal'awy, 26, at-Tuffah - Gaza City
  9. Ali Nabil Basal, 32, at-Tuffah - Gaza City
  10. Mohammad Bassem al-Halaby, 28, western Gaza City
  11. Mohammad Sweity (Abu Askar), 20, western Gaza City
  12. Khawla al-Hawajri, 25, campo profughi di Nuseirat
  13. Ola Wishahi, 31, associazione per i disabili Mabarra a Jabalia
  14. Suha Abu Saade, 38, associazione per I disabili Mabarra a Jabalia
  15. Mohammad Edrees Abu Sweilem, 20, Jabalia
  16. Rateb Subhi al-Saifi, 22, Sheikh Radwan - Gaza City
  17. Azmi Mahmoud Obeid, 51, Sheikh Radwan - Gaza City
  18. Nidal Mahmoud Abu al-Malsh, 22, Sheikh Radwan - Gaza City
  19. Suleiman Said Obeid, 56, Sheikh Radwan - Gaza City
  20. Mustafa Muhammad Inaya, 58, Sheikh Radwan - Gaza City
  21. Ghassan Ahmad al-Masri, 25, Sheikh Radwan - Gaza City
  22. Rifat Youssef Amer, 36, al-Saftawi
  23. Rifat Syouti, zona occidentale di Gaza City*
  24. Nahedh Naim al-Batsh, 41, Khan Yunis
  25. Baha Majed al-Batsh, 28, Khan Yunis
  26. Qusai Issam al-Batsh, 12, Khan Yunis
  27. Aziza Yousef al-Batsh, 59, Khan Yunis
  28. Ahmad Noman al-Batsh, 27, Khan Yunis
  29. Mohammad Issam al-Batsh, 17, Khan Yunis
  30. Yahia Ala Al-Batsh, 18, Khan Yunis
  31. Jalal Majed al-Batsh, 26, Khan Yunis
  32. Mahmoud Majed al-Batsh, 22, Khan Yunis
  33. Majed Sobhi al-Batsh, Khan Yunis
  34. Marwa Majed al-Batsh, 25, Khan Yunis
  35. Khaled Majed al-Batsh, 20, Khan Yunis
  36. Ibrahim Majed al-Batsh, 18, Khan Yunis
  37. Manar Majed al-Batsh, 13, Khan Yunis
  38. Amal Hussein al-Batsh, 49, Khan Yunis
  39. Anas Ala al-Batsh, 10, Khan Yunis
  40. Qusai Ala al-Batsh, 20, Khan Yunis
  41. Mohannad Yousef Dheir, 23, Rafah
  42. Shadi Mohammad Zorob, 21, Rafah
  43. Imad Bassam Zorob, 21, Rafah
  44. Mohannad Yousef Dheir, 23, Rafah
  45. Mohammad Arif, 13, zona orientale di Gaza City
  46. Mohammad Ghazi Arif, 35, zona orientale di Gaza City
  47. Ghazi Mustafa Arif, 62, zona orientale di Gaza City
  48. Ahmad Yousef Dalloul, 47, Gaza
  49. Fadi Ya'coub Sukkar, 25, Gaza
  50. Qassem Jaber Odah, 16, Khan Yunis
  51. Mohammad Abdullah Sharatha, 53, Jabalia
  52. Mohammad Ahmed Basal, 19, Gaza City
Uccisi venerdì 11 luglio
  1. Wisam Abdul-Razeq Hasan Ghannam, 31, Rafah
  2. Mahmoud Abdul-Razeq Hasan Ghannam, 28, Rafah
  3. Kifah Shaker Ghannam, 33, Rafah
  4. Ghalia Thieb Ghannam, 57, Rafah
  5. Mohammad Munir Ashour, 26, Rafah
  6. Nour Marwan an-Ajdi, 10, Rafah
  7. Anas Rezeq abu al-Kas, 33, Gaza City (medico)
  8. Abdullah Mustafa abu Mahrouq, 22, Deir al-Balah
  9. Mahmoud Waloud, 26, Jabalia
  10. Hazem Ba’lousha, Jabalia
  11. Ala Abdul Nabi, Beit Lahia.*
  12. Ahmed Zaher Hamdan, 24, Beit Hanoun
  13. Mohammad Kamel al-Kahlout, 25, Jabalia
  14. Sami Adnan Shaldan, 25, Gaza City
  15. Salem al-Ashhab, 40, Gaza City
  16. Raed Hani Abu Hani, 31, Rafah
  17. Mohammad Rabea Abu- Hmeedan, 65, Jabalia
  18. Shahrman Ismail Abu al-Kas, 42, Al-Bureij
  19. Mazin Mustafa Aslan, 63, Al Bureij
  20. Mohammad Samiri, 24, Deir al-Balah
  21. Rami Abu Mosaed, 23, Deir al-Balah
  22. Saber Sokkar, 80, Gaza City
  23. Hussein Mohammad al-Mamlouk, 47, Gaza City
  24. Nasser Rabah Mohammad Sammama, 49, Gaza City
  25. Abdul-Halim Abdul-Moty Ashra, 54, Deir al-Balah
  26. Sahar Salman Abu Namous, 3, Beit Hanoun
  27. Odai Rafiq Sultan, 27, Jabalia
  28. Joma Atiyya Shallouf, 25, Rafah
  29. Bassam Abul-Rahman Khattab, 6, Deir al-Balah
Uccisi giovedì 10 luglio
  1. Mahmoud Lutfi al-Hajj, 58, Khan Yunis (padre di sei uccisi)
  2. Bassema Abdul-fatteh Mohammad al-Hajj, 48, Khan Yunis (madre di sei uccisi)
  3. Asma Mahmoud al-Hajj, 22, Khan Yunis
  4. Fatima Mahmoud al-Hajj, 12, Khan Yunis
  5. Saad Mahmoud al-Hajj, 17, Khan Yunis
  6. Najla Mahmoud al-Hajj, 29, Khan Yunis
  7. Tareq Mahmoud al-Hajj, 18, Khan Yunis
  8. Omar Mahmoud al-Hajj, 20, Khan Yunis
  9. Baha Abu al-Leil, 35, Gaza City
  10. Suleiman Saleem Mousa al-Astal, 17, Khan Yunis
  11. Ahmed Saleem Mousa al-Astal, 24, Khan Yunis (fratello di Suleiman)
  12. Mousa Mohammed Taher al-Astal, 50, Khan Yunis
  13. Ibrahim Khalil Qanan, 24, Khan Yunis
  14. Mohammad Khalil Qanan, 26, Khan Yunis (fratello di Ibrahim)
  15. Ibrahim Sawali, 28, Khan Yunis
  16. Hamdi Badea Sawali, 33, Khan Yunis
  17. Mohammad al-Aqqad, 24, Khan Yunis
  18. Ismael Hassan Abu Jame, 19, Khan Yunis
  19. Hussein Odeh Abu Jame, 75, Khan Yunis
  20. Abdullah Ramadan Abu Ghazal, 5, Beit Hanoun
  21. Mohammad Ehsan Ferwana, 27, Khan Yunis
  22. Salem Qandil, 27, Gaza City
  23. Amer al-Fayyoumi, 30, Gaza City
  24. Raed az-Zourah, 32, Khan Yunis
Uccisi mercoledì 9 luglio
1.     Hamed Shihab, giornalista - Gaza
2.     Salima al-Arja, 53, Rafah
3.     Miriam Atiya al-Arja, 9, Rafah
4.     Rafiq al-Kafarna, 30
5.     Abdul-Nasser Abu Kweik, 60
6.     Khaled Abu Kweik, 31
7.     Mohammad Mustafa Malika, 18 months
8.     Hana Mohammed Fuad Malaka, 28 (madre di Mohammad), 27
9.     Hatem Abu Salem, Gaza City
10.  Mohammad Khaled an-Nimra, 22
11.  Sahar Hamdan (al-Masry), 40, Beit Hanoun
12.  Mohammad Ibrahim al-Masry, 14, Beit Hanoun
13.  Amjad Hamdan, 23, Beit Hanoun
14.  Hani Saleh Hamad, 57, Beit Hanoun
15.  Ibrahim Hani Saleh Hamad, 20, Beit Hanoun
16.  Mohammad Khalaf Nawasra, 4, al-Maghazi
17.  Nidal Khalaf Nawasra, 5, al-Maghazi
18.  Salah Awad Nawasra, 24, al-Maghazi. (padre di Mohammad e Nidal)
19.  Aesha Najm al-Nawasra, 23, al-Maghazi (madre di Mohammad e Nidal, incinta di 4 mesi)
20.  Naifa Mohammed Zaher Farajallah, 80, al-Mughraqa
21.  Amal Yousef Abdul-Ghafour, 20, Khan Yunis
22.  Nariman Jouda Abdul-Ghafour, 18 months, Khan Yunis
23.  Ibrahim Daoud al-Bal'aawy
24.  Abdul-Rahman Jamal az-Zamely
25.  Ibrahim Ahmad Abdin, 42, Rafah
26.  Mustafa Abu Murr, 20, Rafah
27.  Khaled Abu Murr, 22, Rafah
28.  Mazin Faraj Al-Jarba
29.  Marwan Eslayyem
30.  Raed Mohammed Shalat, 37, al-Nussairat
31.  Yasmin Mohammad Matouq, 4, Beit Hanoun

Uccisi martedì 8 luglio
  1. Mohammad Shaban, 24, Gaza
  2. Amjad Shaban, 30, Gaza
  3. Khader al-Basheeleqety, 45, Gaza
  4. Rashad Yassin, 27, Nusseirat
  5. Mohammad Ayman Ashour, 15, Khan Yunis
  6. Riyadh Mohammad Kaware, 50, Khan Yunis
  7. Bakr Mohammad Joudeh, 50, Khan Yunis
  8. Ammar Mohammad Joudeh, 26, Khan Yunis
  9. Hussein Yousef Kaware, 13, Khan Yunis
  10. Bassem Salem Kaware, 10, Khan Yunis
  11. Mohammad Ibrahim Kaware, 50, Khan Yunis
  12. Mohammad Habib, 22, Gaza
  13. Ahmed Mousa Habib, 16, Gaza
  14. Saqr Aayesh al-Ajjoury, 22, Jabalia
  15. Ahmad Nael Mahdi, 16, Gaza
  16. Hafeth Mohammad Hamad, 26, Beit Hanoun
  17. Ibrahim Mohammad Hamad, 26, Beit Hanoun
  18. Mahdi Mohammad Hamad, 46, Beit Hanoun
  19. Fawziyya Khalil Hamad, 62, Beit Hanoun
  20. Donia Mahdi Hamad, 16, Beit Hanoun
  21. Soha Hamad, 25, Beit Hanoun
  22. Suleiman Salam Abu Sawaween, 22, Khan Yunis
  23. Siraj Eyad Abdul-Aal, 8, Khan Yunis
  24. Abdul-Hadi Soufi, 24, Rafah.

* I nomi con un asterisco non sono stati ancora confermati dal Ministero della Salute.

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